Leo’s Lighthouse

Meet Leo



Scott and Gracileia Morrison learned that their then-9-month-old son Leo had a rare genetic disorder called  Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome,  a spectrum disorder so rare that it was only identified in 2012. So rare, in fact, that to date  doctors believe fewer than 200 children in the world have been diagnosed. 

“Devastated doesn’t even come close to describing our initial reaction - the fear, the hopelessness, the sadness, the inability to process the future.  In an instant all the dreams you had for your child’s life - all the opportunity, all the hope - seem lost, but you’re still there, trying to understand how to possibly move forward." - Scott, Leo’s Dad

Initially diagnosed at 4 months with hypotonia, vision issues and early signs of developmental delay, Leo underwent an MRI and a number of evaluations at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center.  After all tests came back without giving any indication of what Leo might be facing, the Morrisons had a meeting with geneticist Dr. Wendy Chung.  She advised them to authorize a genetic screening, and less than three months later they received the fateful call.  With this diagnosis, many of Leo's behaviors and characteristics began to make sense. 

Like most children with BRS, Leo had been diagnosed with failure to thrive,  had missed significant developmental milestones, and had vision problems. He exhibited a multitude of common BRS traits like hand flapping, head shaking, poor eye contact, fascination with water, difficulties keeping food down, mobility issues, and some early signs of autism.  He is also nonverbal.

“If these past 10 months have taught us anything, it’s that you have to try and stay positive,  you have to keep going.  There’s no other choice.  Leo deserves that from us - and he and every other child with a disease need us to do our part by becoming their advocates, and finding solutions." - Gracileia, Leo’s Mom

Also disheartening is the wide spectrum of symptoms children suffer with BRS.  For example, some are in wheel chairs, some walk with help. Most have no speech, while some have minimal speech. We’ve lost two BRS children this year due to illnesses associated with the disease, and we’re only beginning to scratch the surface of what we might be up against.   


Leo, 18 months

Leo, 18 months

A Day in Leo's Life

Leo’s day-to-day routine has been pretty straight forward since the time he as 5 months old. Leo’s an early riser and usually gets up around 5:30am.  Leo’s mom, Gracileia, has dedicated her efforts to managing Leo’s daily care which includes 9-10 therapies each week, centered around physical, occupational, developmental, speech, and feeding therapies.  Until Leo turned 3, his Monday thru Friday was focused on therapies beginning at 9AM, with a typical day including a morning session and an afternoon session.

Leo wears glasses, a hand splint during much of the day to prevent his thumbs from tucking inward, and orthotics on both feet in an attempt to give him more stability as he's learning to walk.  Leo’s not great with naps, so nap times are inconsistent at best, but that never impacts him much - he’s mostly a happy little guy who's curious and engaging, especially with toys and anything his older brother is doing.

Leo is now a 3 year old boy, who loves his preschool routine in his local special education program. He lives for school and his therapists, and is always excited to go outside and play. He still receives therapy (PT, OT, and Speech) thought-out the week and he’s made great progress over the past 2 years. Leo receives most of his therapies at school each week, and we supplement that with several privates therapies - especially speech.

Simply put, we’re absolutely amazed by the progress he has made since his diagnosis, and we consider ourselves fortunate that early intervention was available to Leo. We still have a long and winding road ahead, and Leo has no speech, but is starting to use an AAC device (Proloquo2) to communicate and we’re doing everything we can to keep him from being frustrated by his lack challenges communicating. Leo still has cognitive delays, issues with fine and gross motor skills and development, as well as low muscle tone. We continue to set goals for Leo and try to do our best to advocate for his best interests.

We still don’t have any idea what the future will look like for Leo. But we take each day as it comes, knowing some days are better than others, but we never give up hope. It’s hope that keeps us going, and it’s the very reason Leo’s Lighthouse exists.
